Six Important Things from Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer's Last TV Talk Before Voting

The final TV talk between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer before voting had a lot of important things for voters to know. Here are six important things from their talk:

Plans for Jobs and Money

Both talked about their plans for jobs and money. Sunak said his party made lots of jobs and wants to cut taxes for businesses to make more jobs. Starmer said there aren't enough jobs for everyone and wants to tax rich people more to pay for things like hospitals.

Healthcare and Help

They also talked about healthcare. Starmer said hospitals need more money and he wants to give more money to doctors and nurses. Sunak said his party has plans to make healthcare better without needing more taxes, saying they can make hospitals work better.

Helping the Planet

They talked about helping the planet too. Sunak said they want to help the planet but not hurt jobs, so they want to invest in clean energy. Starmer said they need big changes to stop the planet from getting too hot and said the government needs to do more and faster.

Schools and Learning

Schools and learning were a big topic. Sunak wants more money for schools and programs that help kids learn job skills. Starmer wants smaller classes and more help for teachers to make schools better for everyone.

Safety and Other Countries

They talked about safety and what the country does with other countries. Sunak said the country needs to be strong and spend money on safety. Starmer thinks the country needs to think about safety in a new way and change how it spends money on safety.

Leading the Country

Lastly, they talked politics about who should lead the country. Sunak said he's a strong leader who knows how to make things better. Starmer said he cares about fairness and wants to make sure everyone has a fair chance.

The TV talk between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer showed voters what they think about different things. People will think about these important things before voting to siambet88 choose who they want to lead the country.

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